Sunday, March 17, 2013

Watching the sunrise

Hello everyone!

My internet had a bug, so I wasn't able to write for a bit. Thank you for your patience. I do have some good news! I mentioned a few days or weeks ago that I was inspired to look into free legal aid again. I need to call Tuesday to apply, but they do indeed have a system in place!!! This is a huge weight off my shoulders!

I also found out that I am eligible for free counseling, which I desperately need! I've found myself battling wrong thinking. It would be nice to talk with someone who has helped other women get through what I'm going through. It's felt awfully lonely and isolating going through something with the knowledge that I don't know anyone else who has had to deal with this. It's easier when you can look at how other people handled things for inspiration on what to do yourself. It'll be good. They offer support groups and private counseling. Healing is on the horizon!

They also have transitional housing that will be a place my daughter and I can stay in until I am prepared to face the world up till a certain period of time has passed. It will be a private place for just me and my daughter to set up our own family routines and start feeling like our own little family. The neat thing is that they won't just kick me out once I have enough income, but they will wait until I have healed more emotionally.

I have not fully decided which of these opportunities I will take part it, but it is good to know that they are available to me. I'm really not sure how to decide. I'm hoping when I call on Tuesday I'll be able to talk about all of these possibilities so that I might make a more informed decision. Pray for wisdom and God to lead clearly.

I do love the fact that the nightmare is coming to an end. While I can't say it's over, I do believe I see the sky preparing for a sunrise. I can't wait until my life is filled with the happy colors of a safe, happy, and peaceful life. And then, Lord willing, the sky will be filled with light for so long that I'll actually take it for granted. Although, really, I don't know that I'll ever be able to do less than at least breathe a sigh of relief that we're safe with no one threatening our existence.

I can only compare my anticipation for this safe, peaceful life with my anticipation for the Lord's return. Hope is swelling in my soul at just the thought. "Even so, Come Lord Jesus!"

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