Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Praying for the impossible

My dear readers,

Today, my heart is filled with hope in miracles, because I serve a God who cares deeply for even the smallest pieces of my life. If you have been following my blog, you know that I have Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, or POTS. This syndrome was only discovered in the last few decades, though some speculate that it's existed for centuries. It's a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, or the part of the nervous system that controls all those things that you don't have to think about. The eyes adjust themselves, your heart beats without command, and you have been breathing all day, though you likely gave it little thought. The body is filled with all sorts of these automatic functions, only mine is filled with automatic dysfunctions. Because it's all supposed to work by itself, doctors and scientists really don't know how the autonomic nervous system works, leaving them with no idea what to look for where that could be causing the problems. If they don't know the cause of the problem, they can hardly hope to cure it!

This syndrome at one point had me bedridden. Any time I stood, I would pass out. God has been gracious, and you would never guess that today, but it still makes my life challenging. I have a difficult time thinking of a job that will allow for everything I would need. I have difficulty finding a home for my daughter and I that doesn't have stairs. I fear the day my health would fall apart, leaving me bedridden again. It is unpredictable and menacing. The thing I crave the most is for this to pass, and my body to be whole again. Doctors and physicians offer no hope.

The great news is that there is a Great Physician! He is able to mend that which is broken, even though we don't know what it is. He is able to heal my body forever, so that I never have a relapse! Oh, to be able to climb stairs, lift my hands above my hands, jump up and down for joy, and sing while standing!!!! Oh, to be able to walk evenly, think clearly, and know that my tomorrows are secure.

Here is my request: Pray with me! Please take this before our God and plead for my full recovery! Pray that I be fully healed, and pray that I will know it! I am asking a lot here, but pray for this every day until I post a praise that it has been done! My God is greater than these shackles I wear! He can delivery me, and He alone! Let us go to Him often, beseeching His loving kindness.

I look forward to posting that God has answered our prayers. May it be soon!

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