Monday, January 14, 2013

So much going on!

Hello all!

Thank you all so much for your loyal prayers! I see God working daily, even in the moments when everything seems bleak. So much is happening in my life right now that I feel that I have to change this to once a day posting. Once a week leaves just too much to say! So, rather than inundating you all with way too much information, I'll break it up. Today, I'll give you the Reader's Digest version of "the good, the bad, and the blessings."

The Good:

I found a church that is amazing!!! Truly following Jesus! I met a nanny there, and she said there were tons of nannies within the church! I feel so much better knowing that I have a pool of Christian nannies to choose from! God is leading!

I found an amazing store! It's called Kid to Kid. Not only can I buy cheap, but quality clothes and items for my baby, but I can also sell my gently used baby items to them. It's amazing, because she is growing way too quickly!!! Clothes I bought a few weeks ago no longer fit her. I liked the store so much I applied there! Pray that it works out!

I receive emails from, and a gem was inside one! I read about another mom's struggle to provide for her child. She decided to try to trade the comforts she was accustomed to for a life in a trailer. Hmmm... I started looking at prices. Seems like a strong possibility for the future!

The Bad:

I met with an attorney today. I am looking at an intensely more costly event than I ever realized. $2,000 for an uncontested divorce, and so much more if my husband contests anything. He has said that he will contest certain things, so this is going to get impossibly expensive. I have big decisions to make, which I will detail later.

With the costs of everything, it looks like moving out on my own is farther away than I had ever realized.

The Blessings:

I feel that my life is falling apart, and God is catching all the pieces, and re-configuring them into something beautiful. I just have no idea what it is yet! I wish I could say that I always feel absolutely fantastic about everything, but I still have my moments of intense desperation. God is drawing me nearer to Himself daily. Any verses about God leading for our good, and verses about no fear will be a huge blessing to me! Feel free to email them at or commenting below. Thanks everyone!

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